Surabaya, E Java (ANTARA) - Regional Representatives Council (DPD) speaker A. A. LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti has voiced his support for East Java hosting the XXII National Sports Week (PON) in 2028.
"We fully support the efforts of East Java's government and the National Sports Committee (KONI) to become the host of 2028 PON," he said at the East Java KONI's Provincial Sports Conference here on Wednesday.
There will be several benefits for East Java if the province becomes the host of the national games, Mattalitti added.
"PON will help produce outstanding athletes, as well as boost the economy of East Java," he pointed out.
The success of the 2021 Papua PON has had a positive impact on the province's economy, he noted. For that reason, it would be the right decision for East Java to host the XXII PON, he said.
To reach that target, the East Java government must prepare itself maximally, he added.
"Becoming the host of PON is not easy because the province has to participate in bidding. Therefore, East Java must be able to convince all provinces and sports associations that East Java is ready," he said.
The province must prepare sports venues for hosting PON in 2028, he added.
According to Mattalitti, what East Java also needs to prepare is adequate facilities for thousands of athletes and supporters, as well as other supporting facilities, namely hotels and transportation, among others.
At the conference, he lauded the performance of East Java's KONI and Youth and Sports Office during the XX PON event held in Papua last year.
"I think KONI and the East Java Youth and Sports Office were very good at assisting East Java athletes who competed at Papua PON. Moreover, with limited funds, they could still obtain achievements," he remarked.
Support East Java efforts to host 2028 PON: DPD Speaker
Rabu, 26 Januari 2022 23:32 WIB

Regional Representatives Council (DPD) speaker A. A. LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti (center). (ANTARA/HO-DPD RI)