Yogyakarta (Antara) - Jogja Police Watch (JPW) asked Yogyakarta police to uncover a series of mysterious shootings in Yogyakarta. There were at least ten of cases of shooting in Yogyakarta and they remain a mystery, JPW spokesman Baharudin Kamba said here on Tuesday. "So far none of the cases has been uncovered with targets including individuals, houses and cars," Baharuddin said. He said police should be more serious in handling the cases to create a feeling of being secured among the people. The most recent incident was the shooting targeting people in the house of Lestanta Budiman, a candidate for legislator from the opposition of Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). "Unless police are serious in addressing the problem we might see more fatal incidents," Baharuddin said. Sleman police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Ikhsan Amin said the district police of Sleman are cooperating with the Yogyakarta police in investigating the shooting at the house of Lestanta in Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman. Two people were seen involved in the shooting at Condongcatur early Monday morning . Lestanta, who is a lecture of a private university in Yogyakarta, said he was talking with number of friend in the guest room of his house just past midnight on Sunday when a motorcycle with two riders stopped in front of the house. One of the riders walked closer to the house and began to shoot. He said the first shot hit one of his friends, Dian, although he felt he was the target. Dian was hit on the arm and has to be hospitalized, he said. After firing one more shot that hit the wall the man ran back and fled with his friend who was ready with the motorcycle. (*)
Police Demanded to Uncover Cases of Mysterious Shooting
Selasa, 5 November 2013 21:59 WIB