Jakarta (Antara) - The Chairman of Muhammadiyah's Youth Wing, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, has urged the police to investigate the shooting at Amien Rais' house, which was perpetrated by unknown persons early on Thursday. "I believe that it was a deliberate act. It could be part of a series of such terror attacks being targeted towards Amien Rais. There's a possibility of it having something to do with the current political and social situations," Daulay said in a statement here on Thursday. Daulay, who is a politician of the National Mandate Party (PAN), further stated that the shooting incident was a very dangerous act. "When the police can easily arrest terrorists, they can just as easily detain the perpetrators of this incident," he remarked. Moreover, the youth wing chairman believes that this attack will neither frighten Rais, nor keep him from telling the truth. "If this terror act is meant to silence Amien Rais, God willing, it will not work. For Rais, the truth is the truth; something wrong must be criticized and corrected. It's a reflection of his love for this nation. How can someone who loves his nation so be terrorized?" Daulay noted. Rais' house was shot at by unidentified people on Thursday around 2 a.m. when he, and his wife and daughter were asleep inside. The Yogyakarta Police are still investigating the crime scene. A 1998 reform icon and the founder of PAN, Rais has decided to continue staying at his house, despite the threat. (*)
Muhammadiyah Urges Police to Probe Shooting at Amien Rais House
Kamis, 6 November 2014 19:39 WIB