Nusa Dua, Bali, (Antara) - Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti shared her views on fighting illegal fishing at the 85th General Assembly of the Interpol here on Thursday.
She spoke to the conference about various efforts taken by her ministry to eradicate Illegal Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU), by setting up an IUU fishing task force called Task Force 115.
"They were very enthusiastic when they heard about the Task Force 115, which is manned by personnel from several institutions such as the Water Police, the Navy, the Prosecutor Office and the Sea Security Agency (Bakamla)," Susi told delegates of the conference, which was held the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC).
Several delegates from Africa even requested Indonesia to assist in handling illegal fishing cases in the African continent.
"The Task Force 155 is an example of task forces needed by many countries," she said.
During the session, Susi said she did not hesitate in taking firm action against fish poachers. "Illegal fishing is a theft in the Indonesian waters. So, I have to act upon it," she added.
She appreciated the firm attitude of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) regarding the war against illegal fishing, so that her side would have no hesitation in giving firm sanctions to violators.
According to the minister, the matter constituted a momentum to improve the legal certainty regarding fish poaching in Indonesia.
"I think the reform momentum now should be utilized. Now the government is taking actions to provide legal certainties through legal and regulation reforms. This has given us the energy to move on. Now is the time for us to provide legal certainty," she said.
The minister said the weakness of Indonesia so far is its shortage in legal certainties. "Now we provide legal certainties for those who commit violations and we sink them (illegal fishing boats). It should not be considered a cruel action. After all, many have demanded that we should provide legal certainties," she said.
She said people must be happy when we take firm actions and not adversely complaining. "We have to emphasize this so that thieves would not disturb the economy of this country," she added.(*)