Jakarta (Antara) - Ammunition and weapon maker PT Pindad is developing ballistic rocket Rhan 122, Indonesia's first made rocket for use by the country's military. The state company is expected to start supplying the rocket to the military in 2015, Pindad's planning and development director Wahyu Utomo said here on Friday. "The rocket named R-han (defense guided missile) 122 is developed by Pindad in cooperation with aircraft maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia, explosive producer PT Dahana, the research ministry, the Technology Application and Development Agency (BPPT), the Serpong Technology and Scientific Center and some academicians," Wahyu Utomo said on the sidelines of a military equipment exhibition 2013 to mark the military anniversary Oct 5. He said the rocket is being tested in the area of Baturaja in South Sumatra and in southern Garut, West Java. "It is in the phase of perfecting," he said. The test is made up to around 300 shootings to gauge its accuracy, strength and explosive power. He said R-han 122 is produced only to meet the Indonesian military requirement and to stop dependence on imports. So far the military has to import rockets from a number of countries, he added. "This is the country's first production of rocket and it would continue to be developed," he said. (*)
Pindad to Start Producing Rockets in 2015
Jumat, 4 Oktober 2013 22:32 WIB