Padang, W Sumatra (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Manpower will soon launch the National Productivity Board to support the acceleration of job creation and ramp up national economic growth.
"We are currently preparing the national productivity movement and one of the efforts is forming the National Productivity Board," Manpower Minister Yassierli said in Padang, West Sumatra, on Saturday.
According to the minister, Presidential Regulation Number 1 of 2023 on the National Productivity Board is complete and ready to be launched.
The National Productivity Board will be tasked with providing advice and recommendations to the President on formulating policies to boost national productivity and competitiveness, as well as accelerate programs to increase national productivity and competitiveness.
Yassierli informed that the national productivity board will focus on three main aspects.
The first will be research and policy development through a productivity, innovation, and safety institute as a think tank for data, research, and public policy.
The second will be advocacy and promotion of the national productivity movement and commencement of the champion productivity program through education, training, and certification programs to increase the number of experts in the field of productivity.
The third will be a collaboration with various policymakers, both from the central and regional governments, associations, and universities.
"I hope there would be a regional productivity board in West Sumatra in the future," he said.
He expressed the hope that by forming the National Productivity Board and creating similar boards at the regional level, work productivity will increase rapidly and help drive Indonesia's economic growth in the future.