Surabaya (ANTARA) - Indonesian military forces in Garuda Contingent Yonmek Task Force (Konga) XXIII-E/UNIFIL, or Indonesian Battalion (INDOBATT), has concluded its peacekeeping mission in Southern Lebanon for a year. INDOBATT information officer Major Kusworo said from Lebanon Tuesday that the conclusion of the mission in Lebanon was marked with a transfer of authority in Adshit Al Qusayr, Southern Lebanon, on Tuesday. In the military ceremony commander of Konga XXIII-E/UNIFIL Lt Col Hendy Antariksa handed over the tasks, authority and responsibilities to commander of Konga XXIII-F/UNIFIL Lt Col Suharto Sudarsono. The military ceremony was preceded by the hand over of the UN Flag from Yonmek Task Force Commander of Konga XXIII-E/UNIFIL Lt Col Hendy Antariksa to UNIFIL East Sector Commander Brig Gen Guitierrez Diaz De Otazu as inspector of ceremoy. Later Brig Gen Gugitierrez Diaz De Otazu hand over the UN Flag to Lt Col Suharto Sudarsono as the new commander. In his address, Brig Gen Guitierrez Diaz De Otazu expressed thanks and appreciation for the performance of Lt Col Hendy Antariksa in leading its unit for a year in the UN peacekeeping mission in Southern Lebanon. And the one-star Spanish general also appreciated the Indobatt soldiers for their services in Lebanon. A similar expression was also made by UNIFIL East Sector Commander to commander of Konga XXIII-F Lt Col Suharto Sudarsono. The ceremony was also attended by Indonesian ambassadcor to Lebanon Imas Samudra Rum, Indonesian Defense Attache for Egypt and Lebanon, Navy Colonel (P) Teguh Isgunarto, and Commander of Force Headquarters Support Unit (FHQSU) Col Darmawan Bakti. Also at hand on the occasion were Deputy Commander of UNIFIL East Sector Col Marzuki, battalion commanders of UNIFIL East Sector, representatives of Lebanese Armed Forces, and local civil authorities. The Indonesian soldiers of Garuda Contingent XXIII-E/Unifil are returning to Indonesia in four stages on November 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, and 30. (*)
Garuda Contingent Concludes Mission in Lebanon
Selasa, 29 November 2011 14:15 WIB