Pasuruan (ANTARA) - A number of villages in Pasuruan District, East Java, were flooded on Tuesday after Rejoso River and smaller rivers in Grati and Winongan Sub-districts overflowed their banks.
Head of the Pasuruan Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) Ridwan Harris said that the floodwaters, which inundated dozens of villages, varied in height, ranging from 40 centimeters to 1.5 meters.
The floods submerged some homes and public facilities, he informed here on Tuesday.
Seven villages in Grati Sub-district experienced flooding. They included Kedawung Kulon, Kedawung Wetan, Trewung, Plososari, and Kalipang villages, he added.
In Winongan District, Winongan Lor, Winongan Kidul, Prodo, and Bandaran villages reported flooding. Meanwhile, in Rejoso sub-district, some villages such as Toyaning, Sadengrejo, and Patuguran, were flooded, he said.
Flooding was also reported on the northern coast of Ngopak Street, however, it did not hinder traffic flow from Probolinggo to Pasuruan, he said.
The Pasuruan BPBD, along with the Social Affairs Office, prepared boxed meals for residents affected by the disaster, he informed.
"We prepared two thousand boxes this morning," Harris said.
Meanwhile, the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency said that several areas in East Java were still at risk for hydrometeorological disasters due to high rainfall.
Data and information Coordinator at the Juanda Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency Teguh Tri Susanto forecast moderate to heavy rain, accompanied by lightning and brief strong winds.
"Among the (areas prone to disasters in East Java) are Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto city, Mojokerto district, Gresik, Lamongan, Bojonegoro, Jombang, Nganjuk, Madiun district, Madiun city, Ngawi, Magetan, Tulungagung, Blitar district, Blitar city, Kediri district, Kediri city, Malang district, Pasuruan district, Pasuruan city," he elaborated.
Therefore, the public is asked to remain alert for hydrometeorological disasters, such as landslides, floods, and strong winds, Susanto said.
Rivers breach, cause floods in several Pasuruan villages
Selasa, 18 Januari 2022 14:25 WIB

Flooding was reported in several areas in Pasuruan, East Java, on Tuesday (January 18, 2022) after Rejoso River and smaller rivers in Grati and Winongan sub-districts overflowed their banks. Several areas in East Java are still at risk for hydrometeorological disasters due to high rainfall, as per weather forecasts. (ANTARA/HO-Pasuruan BPBD)