Jakarta, (Antara) - Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo met President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace on Thursday to report the peaceful implementation of the simultaneous regional elections across the country on Wednesday.
"We reported to the president that the regional elections ran orderly, smoothly, and peacefully," Minister Kumolo remarked at the Palace complex on Thursday.
The home affairs minister stated that overall, the voter turnout was also quite good, which was over 65 percent.
"Only in one area in Sangihe Talaut, North Sulawesi, the weather conditions disrupted the elections, but in general, they went orderly and peacefully, and that was what we reported to the president," Kumolo stated.
Indonesia held simultaneous direct regional head elections in 101 regions across the country, covering the areas from the westernmost province of Aceh to the easternmost province of Papua on February 15, 2017.
The elections took place in seven provinces to elect governors and deputy governors, in 76 districts to elect district heads and deputy district heads, and in 18 municipalities to elect mayors and deputy mayors.
Earlier, National Police Chief for Public Information Bureau Brigadier General Rikwanto had also noted that the security situation during the regional elections was in general, conducive.
"Public security and order was conducive across the country, especially in the provinces and districts where the elections took place," Rikwanto remarked at the National Police Headquarters here on Wednesday.(*)