Tokyo (Antara) - During a public lecture held on the sidelines of his official visit to Tokyo, Japan, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said on Friday that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has transformed into a better region over the past few years. "It takes time and diplomacy for countries in Southeast Asia to be grouped under one regional organization like ASEAN. We are now committed to realizing our goal of establishing an ASEAN Community in 2015," said Yudhoyono. The President expressed optimism that ASEAN will be more prosperous and developed in the future. "The Asian Development Bank predicts that the GDP of countries in Asia will reach a total of US$160 Trillion by 2050 and that poor countries will cease to exist in the Asia region, including in Southeast Asia," Yudhoyono added. Meanwhile, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who also attended the lecture, stated that it was important for key politicians and figures in Japan to hear firsthand about the stability and security situation in Southeast Asia, which is one of Japan's biggest trading partners. Besides discussing investment and trade, Yudhoyono and Abe said the two countries would also focus on infrastructure development, which is badly needed in Indonesia, especially on Java and other islands. President Yudhoyono is in Japan to attend a meeting to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Japan-ASEAN cooperation. Presidential Special Aide for International Affairs Teuku Faizasyah said the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Japan-ASEAN cooperation would provide momentum for the two countries to decide on a vision for cooperation for long-term development. "As the two countries have developed strategic cooperation, Japan and Indonesia will certainly benefit from the strengthening of the relations between ASEAN and Japan," he added. During President Yudhoyono's stay in Japan, he is also scheduled to meet Japanese businessmen who are part of the Japan-Indonesia Association (Japinda). The Japanese delegation at the meeting will be led by former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda and CEOs of leading Japanese companies, such as Mitsubishi, Marubeni, Toshiba, Sumitomo and Toyota. President Yudhoyono is being accompanied by First Lady Ani Yudhoyono, Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, Special Aide for Economic and Development Affairs Firmanzah, Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam and Presidential Spokesman Julian A. Pasha on the trip.(*)
ASEAN Has Become a Better region, Holds Potential" Yudhoyono
Jumat, 13 Desember 2013 12:55 WIB