Jakarta (Antara) - Golkar on Tuesday announced it has removed Chairun Nisa as a member of the House of Representatives following her arrest earlier this month for allegedly bribing Constitutional Court Chief Akil Mochtar. "Golkar always supports law enforcement, including efforts to fight corruption. Hence, if any Golkar party member is being investigated in a corruption case, Golkar fully support the legal process," party Chairman Abu Rizal Bakrie said here on Tuesday in a written statement. Chairun Nisa's removal as a lawmaker was internally agreed upon on Friday (Oct 18). Deputy Secretary General of Golkar Party Nurularifin will replace Chairun Nisa. Chairun Nisa was also suspended from her position as Treasury Chief of the Indonesian Ulema Association (MUI). Chairun Nisa was arrested October 2 after being caught delivering bribe money estimated at 284,050 Singapore Dollar and US$22,000 to Constitutional Court Chief Akil Mochtar in Akil's house. The bribery is said to have been linked to a regional election in Gunung Mas district, Central Kalimantan province. Akil Mochtar is also being investigated in another bribery incident regarding the regional election in the Lebak district of Banten province. Akil is said to have received money from Tubagus Chaeri Wardhana---the half brother of Banten Province's current governor, Ratu Atut. Wardhana, who is now in police custody, is said to have bribed Akil Mochtar in exchange for the latter's decision to grant an appeal made by Amir Hamzah from the Golkar party, one of the candidates vying for the post of Lebak district chief, to reschedule the regional election in the Lebak district. (*)
Golkar Removes Chairun Nisa as Lawmaker Following Arrest
Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013 21:07 WIB