Semarang (Antara) - The Education and Culture Ministry said 6,325 schools in 33 provinces are ready to implement the new education curriculum this year. "This year several schools in several provinces will implement the new curriculum but the curriculum will not as yet be adopted by all schools in the country," Ibnu Hamad, head of the ministry's information center and public relations department said here on Tuesday. He said the schools were selected based on three criteria namely their readiness, readiness in school book distribution and provinces. "We do not say that the implementation of the curriculum in the schools is a pilot project. The schools are just selected across provinces," he said. He explained ex-international standard pilot project (RSBI) schools have bigger chance than others to be selected for the implementation of the new curriculum. Meanwhile distribution readiness is determined upon schools' access. The preparation has now entered into two important phases namely printing of school books printing and training of teachers. "Under the printing phase scripts are ready to be printed. The printing process involves tender to be done this May," he said. (*)
6,325 Schools to Implement New Curriculum
Selasa, 14 Mei 2013 23:52 WIB