Solo, Central Java - Floods due to overflowing Bengawan Solo river has inundated 90 houses in Sawu subdistrict, Surakarta, an official has said. "Up till now, the flood water levels have reached 0.5 to 1.5 meters in the submerged area due to heavy rain," Sewu sub-district's chief Agung Riyadi said here on Wednesday. He said the local government has arranged temporary shelter for the flood-hit and also provided logistics support to them. Earlier, some 200 residents in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTBM), had been evacuated to safer areas as their housed were inundated. "Seventy-five families had their homes submerged, but the residents who had been evacuated to emergency tents run into the hundreds," Head of the Mataram Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) H Muharrar said. The flood victims were evacuated mainly to open spaces. He said emergency tents would be built with the help of the West Nusaa Tenggara BPBD as temporary living quarters until the flood water receded. "The flood water inundating the houses in the area had reached as high as a grown person¿s thighs," he said. He said evacuation was stepped up as the flood waters had not receded up until night. Blocked drainage network is adding to the woes. (*)
Flood Inundated 90 Houses in Solo
Rabu, 22 Februari 2012 16:04 WIB