Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono has encouraged travelers to take the southern coastal area as an alternative route during the Eid homecoming period, in addition to the northern coastal and the central route of Java.
"The southern coastal route is expected to be an alternative for travelers, hence, traffic congestion could be distributed evenly and not concentrated only on the northern coastal and the central routes," Hadimuljono said in his statement received here on Sunday.
The minister said that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed better preparation for 2022 Eid homecoming travel this year, as residents' enthusiasm to travel after a two-year homecoming restriction due to the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to cause a surge in travelers number.
The 1,242-kilometres southern coastal route starts from the Bayah region in Lebak District, Banten, passing through Cilacap and Kebumen districts in Central Java, and ends in Pacitan District, East Java, he noted.
"The southern coastal route was developed in stages for six years with budgets procured from the state budget, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). We will continue the development till 2024 to connect the route to Banyuwangi District, East Java," he elaborated.
The minister encouraged travelers to travel through the southern coastal route which has beautiful panorama and various beaches which could make travel much more memorable for families.
The route stretched in five provinces in Java Island, with the 169.5-kilometres Simpang Labuhan-West Java Province boundary route constituting the road section in Banten Province, and the 417.1-kilometre Sindang Barang-Central Java Province boundary road section formed the route in West Java.
The route continues through the 212.5-kilometre Congot-Glonggong road section in Central Java, and the 120.8-kilometre Karang Nongko-Legundi-Duwet road section constitutes the route in Yogyakarta.
The final portion of the road is the 627.6-kilometre Panggul-Sendangbiru-Jarit-Puger-Glenmore route in East Java.
The construction of new roads and maintenance, rehabilitation, and renovation of existing roads and bridges would be conducted continually to ensure the route able to cater to travelers anytime, he said.(*)
Java's southern coast suggested as Eid exodus' alternative route
Minggu, 10 April 2022 17:03 WIB

Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono (tengah) saat meninjau jalur Pantai Selatan Jawa menjelang mudik Lebaran tahun ini. ANTARA/HO-Kementerian PUPR