Jakarta (Antara) - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) will cooperate in the government and in the parliament, PKS general chairman Anis Matta said here on Saturday. The agreement in the coalition declaration document states that "the coalition is to be formed in the government and outside the government." Anis Matta said in line with the declaration at the PKS headquarters the coalition will remain even if it loses in the presidential election on July 9. "Win or lose the coalition remains, whether it will be in the government or as opposition parties," he said. PKS in the declaration officially also supported Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate and proposed the names of Hidayat Nurwahid, Anis Matta and Ahmad Heryawan as Prabowo's potential running mate. "We have proposed three names for discussion," Anis said. The declaration ceremony was attended by the two parties' officials, including Prabowo Subianto. Anis noted that the candidate to be chosen as Prabowo's running mate will be determined in a coalition forum as other coalition partners have also proposed candidates. "The coalition forum will take place in one or two days," he added. He said PKS will refer the decision to choose the candidate to Prabowo. "It is up to him who he wants to choose," he said. The National Mandate Party (PAN) in a leadership meeting on Wednesday also announced its support to Prabowo, while at the same time it proposed Hatta Rajasa, its general chairman and also the former chief economic minister, as Prabowo's running mate. Hatta is so far the strongest candidate to be chosen as Prabowo's running mate. (*) Reporting by Muhammad Arief Iskandar
PKS, Gerindra Agree to Cooperate in Government an Parliament
Sabtu, 17 Mei 2014 18:35 WIB