Ambon, Maluku (Antara) - The establishment of a police anti-graft detachment (desnus) that has since recently become a public discourse will only burden the state budget, constitutional expert Yusril Ihza Mahendra said. "Such a densus task force should not be established because it will only burden the state budget and complicate bureaucracies while the results will be the same as those of the anti-graft commission (KPK)," Yusril said here on Tuesday. He said that because the results would be the same, there was no need to form another densus task force. What is important is that existing law enforcing institutions will carry out their respective functions based on their rights. Yusril said that the KPK was set up to reinforce low enforcement and accelerate disclosure of alleged corruption cases. The KPK has been provided with an extraordinary authority to conduct wiretapping, arrest, examination and investigation of all officials suspected to have been involved in corruption cases. "Besides the problem of state budget burden, the formation of a police anti-corruption detachment force will also create overlapping jobs on corruption cases," he said. The Indonesian police were reviewing the anti-corruption special detachment proposed by the House's Commission III to Police Chief Sutarman during a fit and proper test on Thursday last week. "The Anti Corruption Special Detachment has been discussed by the Indonesian Police, and it will be formulated after the discussion is complete," said National Police's Maintenance and Security Chief General Badrodin Haiti. However, the form, function, and authority of the special detachment has not yet been discussed, he stated. Badrodin believes that the existence of the anti-corruption detachment could strengthen the Police Headquarters' Crime Directorate (Dittipikor) structure. "It could strengthen the structure (of the crime directorate), or it may form a new body. It all depends on the results of the discussion," Badrodin explained. On its position, Badrodin said it is as yet undecided whether the detachment will continue to be assessed under the Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) and Kabaharkam (Security Maintenance Directorate). He noted that a specialized team had formed the police's anti-corruption detachment and handled the management of its human resources. Earlier, newly elected Police Chief General Sutarman had welcomed the anti-corruption detachment establishment proposal. "That (detachment) should be developed; its operations must be strengthened," he remarked. According to Sutarman, the establishment of a special unit that focuses on the eradication of corruption is extraordinary, but it must be prioritized during the discussion. "(This is) because it involves (various) institutions, not just the police institution but also the Ministry of Administrative Empowerment-bureaucracy Reform," he suggested.
Anti-Graft Detachment to Burden State Budget : Yusril
Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013 15:26 WIB