Pekanbaru (Antara) - Police have rearrested two terrorist convicts who escaped recently from the Tanjung Gusta prison in Medan. Agus Sunyoto alias Syafaruddin (28) and Ridwan alias Ismail (52) were arrested by police's special anti terrorist squad, Densus 88, in Kandis in the regency Siak, Riau. Agus was arrested after ritual prayer in a mosque and Ridwan was picked up from the house of his relative, Siak police chief Adj. Sr. Comr Sugeng Putut Wicaksono, said on Thursday. For the time being the two escapees were detained and interrogated by police in Kandis, some 80 kilometers from Pekanbaru. The two were among 212 escapees including four terrorist convicts from the Tanjung Guta prison in a jailbreak on July 11 this year. So far police have rearrested 116 escapees including the two leaving 96 still at large. (*)
Police Rearrest Two Terrorist Escapees from Tanjung Gusta
Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013 21:03 WIB