Timika, Papua (Antara) - Rescuers on Thursday morning found a body of PT Freeport Indonesia mining worker who was trapped in the company's Big Gossan underground training facility in Papua that collapsed on Tuesday. The body was rushed to the SOS Tembagapura hospital for identification, the Tembagapura sub-district police office, Adjunct Commissioner (AKP) Sudirman told Antara here on Thursday. Thus, 15 victims have been evacuated so far, and five of them died, he said. On Wednesday (May 15) president director, Rozik B Soetjipto, said in a press statement that until 5pm on the day, four of 39 workers trapped in the underground facility had been found dead while 10 others wounded. Rozik said the company had sent 200 rescuers to the scene in an effort to find the rest of the victims, from contractors, geo-technical staff as well as local administrations concerned. He said the 39 workers were conducting training in the facility when the incident happened. He said the location of the incident was close to office and training rooms, far away from the area of active mining activities. "On Tuesday at 7.30am while the workers were gathering in a training room parts of the tunnel in the area collapsed," he added. (*)
Rescurers Find Another Victim of Freeport Mining Woker
Kamis, 16 Mei 2013 14:13 WIB