London - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy has joined forces with Indonesia's embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, to invite tour operators from Indonesia to promote Indonesia as a tourism destination among the Serbian populace. The promotion was organised by the Indonesian embassy in Belgrade in form of a "table top meeting" between the tourism industries in Belgrade, said Ariana Yilianti, the third secretary of the Indonesian embassy in Serbia, to ANTARA London on Thursday. The meeting was inaugurated by the Serbian ambassador to Indonesia, Samuel Samson, followed by a presentation on Indonesia's tourism potential by Dody Prianto, a delegate from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. The meeting was attended by Indonesian representatives from Panorama tours, Marintur, Bali Partners, Adventure Indonesia and Bidy tours. Serbia's representatives at the meeting comprised the National Tourism Organisation of Serbia, Belgrade fair and 16 well-known tour operators from Serbia, including Contiki travel, Jumbo travel, Big Blue travel, Astra travel, Eurojet, Globus travel and many more. The meeting provided the opportunity for tour operators from Indonesia to enter into discussions as well as establish partnerships with their counterparts in Serbia who offer Indonesian tourism packages for the citizens of Serbia. (*)
Indonesia Promotes Tourism in Serbia
Kamis, 14 Juni 2012 14:25 WIB