Jakarta - Former Constitutional Court (MK) judge Arsyad Sanusi and his daughter Neshawati appeared at the National Police's Criminal Investigation Department (Bareskrim) here on Friday. The two declined to tell reporters at the Bareskrim office the purpose of their visit but they are known to be linked the alleged MK document forgery case that led to the failure of a candidate from the Hanura Party, Dewi Yasin Limp, to win a seat in the parliament following the 2009 general elections. Bareskrim deputy chief Inspector General Mathius Salempang meanwhile said the police had already named suspects in the case. He however declined to disclose the number of suspects named in the case. The case came into the public spotlight because it also implicated a ruling party executive, Andi Nurpati. Regarding the scene of the forgery, Salempang said "initially it happened at the MK. However this does not mean that the KPU (General Elections Commission) is not involved," he said. Regarding the four officials from MK questioned on Tuesday (June 28) he said they were witnesses. "They were only witnesses. They were at the scene in one of the MK rooms who we thought knew exactly about what had happened with regard to the forgery," he said.
Arsyad, Daughter Come to Police Chief Detective office
Jumat, 1 Juli 2011 14:42 WIB