Surabaya (Antara Jatim) - As many as 45 small and medium enterprises from throughout Surabaya city will take part in a bazaar to sell key farm and husbandry products on Thursday and Friday.
"To make the event a success, the city government is teaming up with farmer groups and small and medium entrepreneurs that have been receiving training from the trade and industry office and the cooperative office of the Surabaya city. In total, 45 SMEs from 31 sub-districts in the city will take part in it," Head of the Surabaya City Agriculture Office Joestamaji said here on Wednesday.
The bazaar will be held by the agriculture office in collaboration with the Surabaya city food security board, he said.
The bazaar will also serve as a means to promote farm products from farmers in the city, he said.
Hopefully, the bazaar will create a chance for the farmers and small and medium enterprises to hold permanent communication with consumers, he said.
The bazaar will be held along Jimerto Pemkot Surabaya street for two days at different time. "On Thursday (June 30) the bazaar will be held from 12.00 WIB (Western Indonesia Time) to 18.00 WIB, while on Friday (Juli 1), it will be held from 09.00 WIB to 14.00 WIB," he said.
"I hope that Surabaya residents and civil servants of the Surabaya city government can benefit from it properly," he said. (*)