The Hague, (Antara) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a gathering with the Indonesian diaspora in the Netherlands on Thursday evening.During the gathering, President Jokowi affirmed that elementary level education in Indonesia should focus more on character development of the learners.
"I have said that 60 to 70 percent of education at the elementary level should focus on ethics and character development, and this requires mature preparation," Jokowi emphasized.
The president stated that currently, the development of character, as a hallmark of the nation, was still not up to the mark in children as schools were not playing an active role to this end.
"I do not want to discuss this as I want thorough preparations to be made, so that it will really be able to change our mental outlook," President Jokowi noted at the gathering held at the Hotel Grand Amrath Kurhaus, here.
He pointed that currently, children mostly learnt from gadgets due to which character education had lagged behind.
The president pointed out that in this regard, the children in Indonesia can take a cue from Singapore.
"In Singapore, when we ask the children where are they going, the answer will be the same. But, if we pose the same question to the children in Indonesia, some will say to the north, south, or east," Jokowi remarked.
According to the head of state, the development of human resources is not only to make the children intelligent but to also impart good values among them.(*)