Jayapura (Antara) -- President Joko Widodo has urged security forces in the country, both the Indonesian Military and the National Police, to improve the way they handle conflicts in Papua. Speaking at the Jayapura military command post on Saturday, the president said that the Indonesian Military and the National Police should be more active in serving the society. \"I want the military and police forces to change their approach (to handling conflicts) in Papua. Instead of applying repressive security measures, the welfare and development approach should be implemented,\" he noted. Jokowi added that the national security forces could serve the society in simple ways as well, such as by teaching in schools that lack teachers or by building roads in border regions. Therefore, people can see that development and welfare in Papua is part of the services of the police and military, he remarked. Moreover, Jokowi emphasized that the Indonesian government was committed to developing Papua, always bearing in mind the welfare of the people in the county\'s easternmost province. \"The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has set aside Rp6 trillion for general development, which does not include the development of traditional markets, agriculture and ports. There are more needs to be incorporated under the development of Papua,\" he affirmed. During his three-day working visit to Papua, Jokowi pointed out that he admired the development of the Pharaa Market in Jayapura district, Papua, which used architectural elements and tribal variations from the Sentani ethnic community. \"I am surprised with the development of this market, with its terminal and facilities to process waste into fertilizers,\" President Jokowi said while visiting the market here on Saturday. In addition, the head of state stressed that the economy in Papua must be driven through infrastructural development such as building markets. As a result, Papuans will be able to savor their own natural resources, or else there will be social and economic jealousy in the province. Furthermore, Commander of the Indonesian Military General Moeldoko affirmed that Indonesia\'s security forces, whether deployed in border areas or in the capital city, will support the president\'s policies completely. \"We will fully support efforts to develop Papua as the military and police\'s contribution to people\'s welfare, as desired by the president,\" he stated.(*)
President Asks Indonesian Military, Police to Handle Papuan Conflicts Better
Sabtu, 9 Mei 2015 22:26 WIB