Yogyakarta, C Java (Antara) - Various foreign pressures, including the United Nations, will not affect the execution of the death penalty, stated Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo remarked. "Foreign pressures (UN Secretary General, Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott, and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff) will not affect the execution of the death sentence," Tjahjo noted here on Monday. Tjahjo emphasized that the executions must be carried out. Indonesia is in a state of emergency with regard to drug abuse. "Nearly 46 Indonesians die every day due to drug consumption," he stated. The attorney general plans to execute 11 criminals, comprising eight involved in drug offenses and three in murders. The 11 people are Syofial, alias Iyen bin Azwar (Indonesian), for a murder case; Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso (Filipino) for a drug case; Myuran Sukumaran, alias Mark (Australian), for drug smuggling; Harun bin Ajis (Indonesian) for murder; Sargawi, alias Ali bin Sanusi (Indonesian), for murder; Serge Areski Atlaoui (French) for a drug-related case; Martin Anderson, alias Belo (Ghanian), for a drug case; Zainal Abidin (Indonesian) for a drug case; Raheem Agbaje Salami (Cordovan) for a drug case; Rodrigo Gularte (Brazilian) for a drug case; and Andrew Chan (Australian) for a drug case. Taking a firm stance against drug dealers in January, the government of President Joko Widodo in January 2015 executed six convicted drug dealers on death row. (*)
Foreign Pressures will not Affect the Executions: Home Minister
Selasa, 3 Maret 2015 0:06 WIB