Ambon, Maluku, Feb 25 (Antara) -- Strained relations between Indonesia and Australia over the planned execution of Australian drug convicts on death row will not hamper the Darwin-Ambon Yacht Race (DAYR) 2015, an official said. \"The strained relations will not affect the schedule of the race. Many participants from Australia have confirmed their readiness to take part in the race this year,\" Hendrik Sopacua, the head of the Sports, Youth and Tourism Division of Ambon\'s Tourism Service, stated here on Wednesday. Relations between the two countries are now strained in connection with Indonesia\'s plan to execute 11 drug convicts on death row, including two Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. Sopacua added that he had inquired with the Indonesian consulate in Darwin about the impact the issue could have on the yacht race. The consulate informed him that Australian yachters who intended to take part in the event were not affected by the issue. \"The tense relations between the two countries due to Indonesia\'s plan to execute Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran have no serious impact on the Darwin-Ambon Yacht Race 2015,\" he affirmed. (*)
Strained Ties with Australia will Not Hamper Yacth Race; Official
Kamis, 26 Februari 2015 0:00 WIB