Puspayoga Collects 50.31 Pct Votes in Bali Gubernatorial Elections
Rabu, 15 Mei 2013 21:29 WIB
Denpasar (Antara) - Anak Agung Ngurah Puspayoga-Dewa Nyoman Sukrawan pair collected 50.31 percent votes or 0.62 slightly higher than 49.69 percent gained by Made Mangku Pastika-Ketut Sudikertab pair based on quick count in Bali gubernatorial polls on Wednesday.
The quick count conducted by Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) was announced a couple of hours after the gubernatorial elections participated in only by two pairs of contestants.
Meanwhile, the SMRC researcher, Deni Irvani said that the quick count was carried out by taking samples at 400 polling stations (TPS) out of 6,371 TPS proportionally.
But the slight difference of votes achievement cannot be used to predict who will win the election, Deni said.
"Based on statistics, votes collected by both contestants did not differ significantly, because of the difference is less than two percent, or still in the tolerance of fault calculation of quick count (margin of error quick count)," Deni said, adding that the quick count results cannot be used to predict which contestant that has won the elections.
The manual count of votes will be conducted by provincial General Elections Commission (KPU).
Made Mangku Pastika and Anak Agung Ngurah Puspayoga are incumbent gubernor and vice gubernor of Bali province.
Bali provincial General Elections Commission (KPU) announced that 2,918,824 people participated in the gubernatorial elections to choose a new governor and vice governor for 2013-2018 period. (*)