Surabaya - Coach of the Persebaya soccer team, Miroslav Janu of the Czech Republic passed away in Surabaya on Thursday due to heart attack, and would be cremated upon his family's request. Andi Darussalam Tabusalla, former director of PT Liga Indonesia, the country's soccer league organizer made the statement here on Thursday night. "I got such information from Pak (Mr) Bambang Pramukantoro, the Persebaya team manager who has contacted Janu's family, requesting Janu's cremation to be held in Surabaya," Andi disclosed. According to Andi, the Persebaya's management has also offered Janu's family in the Czech Republic to come to Surabaya to attend the cremation program. "I am still waiting for the reply from Janu's family. If they are ready to come to Surabaya, I will send air tickets and provide accommodation," he pointed out. Janu once trained the Arema Indonesia and Persela Lamongan teams before joining the Persebaya soccer team. (*)
Persebaya Soccer Team Coach Miroslav Janu Dies
Jumat, 25 Januari 2013 5:26 WIB