Surabaya, East Java (ANTARA) - The Juanda airport of East Java province recently receives Best Airport Award 2011, an official said. "The award is presented to us by the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in a ceremony at the Borobudur hotel Jakarta," General Manager of Juanda airport's operator PT Angkasa Pura I, Trikora Harjo, said here on Thursday. He said Juanda airport was rated as excellence in terms of providing a comfortable, secure and clean airport. Trikora also said Juanda airport in 2010 also received the same award from the Transportation Ministry. "We are committed to maintain this achievement while also try to conduct innovation and improvement," he said. (*) (Foto
E Java' s Juanda Receives National Best Airport Award 2011
Kamis, 8 Desember 2011 12:05 WIB