Surabaya, E Java (Antaranews Jatim) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received a Press Freedom medal from Chairman of the Press Council (Dewan Pers) Yosep Stanley Adi Prasetyo on the occasion of 2019 National Press Day, here, Saturday.
"We convey our congratulations and laud the president, who has been playing a major role in the press world so far," Prasetyo noted in his remarks during a function to celebrate 2019 National Press Day.
The Press Freedom medal is the highest award bestowed by the press community on an individual or institution that has contributed significantly for the interest of the press, he remarked.
President Jokowi responded by saying that he felt proud and grateful to the press in Indonesia for trusting him to receive the award.
The government has, so far, guaranteed press freedom and accepted various forms of constructive criticism as a means of social control.
"I also invite the press to strengthen its identity as a source of information that is accurate and trustworthy and always strengthens its identity to continue to educate the public," Jokowi noted.
On the occasion, the Association of Indonesian Journalists (PWI) also presented awards to several journalists, media, and high-ranking officials, such as Tourism and Culture Minister Arief Yahya, State Enterprise Minister Rini Soemarno, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, Chairman of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) Oesman Sapta Odang, East Java Governor Soekarwo, and West Sumatra Governor Irwan Prayitno.
Meanwhile, President Jokowi earlier said he is glad to witness that the public has laid greater trust in the conventional media than social media.
"Frankly speaking, I am very happy with such a situation. Congratulations to the press that remains highly trusted by the public," Jokowi noted.
It is not easy to win the public`s trust amid competition in the era of rampant growth in social media that is spreading information, he remarked.
Based on data, the public`s trust in conventional media reached 59 percent as compared to 45 percent in the social media in 2016. However, In 2017, the public`s trust in conventional media reached 58 percent, and the social media, 42 percent.
In 2018, the conventional media won 63 percent of the public`s trust, and the social media, 40 percent, Jokowi pointed out. (*)