Kuala Lumpur, (Antara) - As many as 64 Indonesian police personnel have received awards from the Malaysian police for helping free Ling-Ling, a resident of the Malaysian state of Johor Bahru who was kidnapped on February 21, 2017.
Malaysian Police Chief Inspector General Tan Sri Dato' Sri Khalid Abu Bakar presented the awards to the police personnel in the presence of Indonesian Police Chief General Tito Karnavian, Chief of the Indonesian Police's International Relations Division Inspector General Malta, and Boy Rafly Amar, Chief of the Public Relations Division Inspector General.
Eleven police personnel who represented the 64 police officers received the awards.
The recipients of the awards include Senior Commissioner Herry Heriawan SIK MH, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Raden Bagoes Wibisono SIK, Adjunct Commissioner Malvino Edward SH SIK, and Commissioner Teguh Nugroho SH SIK MIK.
The others are Adjunct Commissioner Chrisman Panjaitan, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Jery Raymond Siagian SIK MSI, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Dedy Murti SIK MSI, Commissioner Ari Cahya, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Aris Supriyono SIK MSI, Senior Commissioner Helmy Santika SIK MSI, and Adjucnt Commissioner Rivan Richard SIK.
A group of six people allegedly abducted Ling-Ling for ransom. They demanded S$5million as ransom.
They took the abductee to the Indonesian remote area of Tamiyang, Batu Aji, Batam, Riau Islands province.
Thanks to the close cooperation between the police of the two countries, Ling-Ling was released and the six abductors were arrested on March 19.
The Malaysian and Indonesian police are on the look for a suspected mastermind of the abduction, identified as Wak Lan.(*)