Yogyakarta (Antara) - Some 120 personnel of Yogyakarta Air Force Academy (AAU) have undergone urine test for drugs as a precaution and early prevention of drug abuse, according to AAU health affairs chief Ni\'mah. \"The AAU personnel who underwent the urine test were selected at random; their test results were all negative,\" Ni\'mah said here on Tuesday. He noted that the negative results for drugs can be maintained as an effort to prevent the AAU personnel from indulging in drug abuse. \"Urine tests will be carried out frequently and unexpectedly as a precaution and prevention of drug abuse,\" he added. According to Ni\'mah, AAU conducted the urine test in cooperation with Dr S Hardjolukito Air Force Hospital. The hospital\'s spokesperson, Lt.Col. Sri Purwaningsih, said drug circulation and abuse have reached an alarming rate, therefore the AAU is cooperating with Hardjolukito Air Force Hospital to conduct urine test on its personnel. (*)
Air Force Academy Personnel Undergo Urine Test
Selasa, 24 Februari 2015 22:38 WIB