Jayapura, Papua (Antara) - Mimika Baru Police detained 10 people who attacked security officers by using arrows and other weapons, on Wednesday evening. Deputy Chief of the Papua Police Brigadier General Paulus Waterpauw told Antara here on Thursday that the police detained them and would grill them. "If it is proven that they were involved in the attack, they will be further processed, if they are not involved, they will be freed," he said. The murder of Dani tribal chief Korea Waker on August 11, 2014, has triggered a conflict in Timika. Six people were killed and tens of others were injured as the late tribal chief's community revenged Waker's death. (*)
Police Arrest 10 People for Attacking Officers
Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014 12:19 WIB