Jayapura, Papua (Antara) - The bodies of five armed group members, who were killed during a gunfight with government forces in Pirime, Lanny Jaya, on Friday morning, will be evacuated if situation permits, stated Major General Zebua. "Right now, it is still impossible for my men to evacuate them due to natural constraints," the chief of the Papua Regional Military Command informed Antara after meeting local religious and community figures at the command headquarters. Zebua noted that despite the difficult circumstances, the forces will strive to evacuate them later if the situation is conducive. He also admitted to have received reports about the victims from the members who had shot them and seen them falling from high ground. Zebua however, could not confirm if his men had confiscated any weapons of the group. Zebua hoped that the deaths will make other members of the group realize that they had chosen the wrong path and will not likely return to the group. "The TNI (army) and police are ready to track down and arrest the other members because they have caused restlessness in the community," he stated, adding that the task of the TNI is to help the police in providing security along the road between Wamena and Tiom in order to ensure the smooth running of public economic activities. A TNI member was wounded during a clash with armed group members on Friday. (*) Reporting by Evarukdijati
Bodies of Five Armed Group Members to be Evacuated
Jumat, 1 Agustus 2014 23:05 WIB