Timika, Papua (Antara) - Two residents were reported killed while police dispersed two groups of battling residents in Djayanti-Mayon, Timika, Papua, on Tuesday evening. Papua Police Spokesman Snr Comnr Sulistyo Pudjo Hartono identified the two dead victims as Joen Wandegau and Ekpinus Togime, when contacted Tuesday night. The bodies of the two were still at RSMM hospital where they will undergo autopsies, he said. It was reported earlier that a group of residents conducted a burning ritual on Tuesday evening of the body of Kewen Jawane, a victim who died in clashes on Tuesday morning. People in the Kewen group, angered over the death, then shot arrows in the direction of the other community, who were gathered across a bridge. Later, others apparently stormed a blockade of security personnel on the bridge, which separated the Moni and Dani tribes. Security personnel dispersed members of the Moni tribe, using water cannon and tear gas. Officials said one security officer was injured when struck by an arrow. The law enforcement officers then used force to disperse the crowd. (*)
Two Killed When Police Disperse Timika's Communal Conflict
Selasa, 11 Maret 2014 23:34 WIB