Jakarta (Antara) - The General Elections Commission (KPU) announced on Thursday the revised list of eligible voters (DPT) which totaled 158.8 million for the upcoming legislative elections on April 9, 2014. KPU Commissioner Hadar Nafis Gumay said the the already-reviewed eligible voters' list would become the basis for producing election logistics, including ballot papers. "We will print this DPT and send to all polling stations," Hadar said after attending a coordination meeting with KPU branches in provinces at the KPU headquarters in Jakarta on Thursday. He said that the KPU initially planned to announce the DPT which had been reviewed on January 23, 2014. But a number of regional KPU branch offices had not yet submitted their reviewed data to the headquarters so that the announcement was postponed until Thursday. "There were provinces which were late in sending their data such the provinces of Papua and West Papau. Some others were also late such as correctional institutions," the KPU commissioner said. Although the DPT has been announced based on KPU Decision No. 240/Kpts/KPU/2014, review of voters data will continue to be carried out until the elections are held on April 9, 2014. KPU Commissioner Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah said meanwhile that voters who did not meet the requirements would crossed out to ensure accuracy of voters taking part on the polling day. "We will continue to cross out names on the DPT list who fail to meet the requirements because other wise they will be reckoned as voters," he said. (*)
KPU Announces List of 185.8 Million Eligible Voters
Kamis, 20 Februari 2014 23:47 WIB