Karimun, Riau Islands (Antara) - Two bodies originating from a fishing boat that sank in Pulau Abang waters, Batam Island on Tuesday (July 16) have been evacuated to Tanjung Balai Karimun in Karimun District on Wednesday afternoon, a spokesman said. "Two crews who died in the sinking boat are residents of Karimun, so that their bodies are evacuated to Kairumun," head of Karimun Search and Rescue (SAR) post, Miswadi said here on Wednesday afternoon. According to him, his post has provided one SAR boat to help evacuate the bodies heading to Tanjung Balai Karimun. The two bodies were directly rushed to Karimun general hospital after arriving at the local quay. "We don't know identities of the two bodies because our job is only to help evacuate the victims. While, searching at the scene was assisted by SAR personnel in Batam and Tanjungpinang," he said. Miswadi said further that the SAR team found another dead victim in addition to the previous two bodies. It was reported earlier that one fishing boat manned by nine crews sank in Pulau Abang waters, in which five of the nine crews went missing. (*)
Two Bodies oc Sinking Boat Evacuated
Rabu, 17 Juli 2013 21:19 WIB