Tanjungpinang - The Malaysian government again deported as many as 223 migrant workers, who were not equipped with working visas, and arrived here on Wednesday night, a manpower official said. The migrant workers entourage, ten of them are children under five years of age, were deported home from Malaysia by the Telaga Express ferry, the Tanjungpinang command post chief of problematic workers, Juramadi Esram, said here on Wednesday night. According to him, the migrant workers consisting 149 male and 74 female will be accommodated at a temporary shelter here pending the arrival of the state-run Pelni passenger ship that will pick them up from Jakarta. The organizer of the problematic migrant workers temporary shelter will treat them with 'organ' musical performance while waiting for the ship arrival, the official noted. (*)
Malaysia Deports 223 RI's Illegal Workers
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012 13:44 WIB