Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Social Affairs presented four program plans to improve social protection and security for people with disabilities in 2025.
Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf stated at the 2024 International Day of Persons with Disabilities summit event at the Taman Ismail Marzuki Park, here on Tuesday, that 11.42 percent of people with disabilities live below the poverty line.
He highlighted that 71.4 percent of people with disabilities are working in the informal sector, while 50 percent of school-age children with disabilities do not receive proper education.
Hence, he expressed hope that the ministry's four programs would improve the welfare and quality of life of people with disabilities.
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The first program plan is to provide free nutritious meals twice a day to 42 thousand disabled people. Minister Yusuf stated that the program's implementation will involve community groups.
Under the second program, the ministry will include 428 thousand people with disabilities as beneficiaries of social assistance in the Family Hope Program (PKH).
Yusuf noted that the third program for next year is to include 588 thousand people with disabilities as beneficiaries of the non-cash food assistance (BNPT) program.
The fourth program plan is to provide social assistance through the Social Assistance and Rehabilitation Program (ATENSI) in the form of various equipment, such as hearing aids, wheelchairs, and other assistive devices, to 69 thousand disabled people.
In addition to the four program plans, his side will carry out the social rehabilitation program aimed at helping restore disabled people's social functions.
The ministry will also implement an empowerment program in 2025 so disabled people can become more empowered and independent.