Jakarta - Indonesia's economy grew 6.5 percent in the third quarter this year, according to the National Statistics Agency (BPS). "Cummulatively it grew 6.5 percent compared to the same period in 2010," BPS deputy for statistics analysis Slamet Sutomo said here on Monday. He said the year-on-year growth was contributed by processing industries and the trade sector, hotels and restaurants each by 1.7 percent and financial sector, transportation and communications sector 0.9 percent each. The Real estate sector and company service and other services each contribute 0.7 percent while the construction, agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and fisheries sector each 0.4 percent. Slamet said annually compared to the same period last year the trade, hotel and restaurant sectors grew 10.1 percent, transportation and communications sector 9.5 percent and service sector 7.8 percent. "Hotel and restaurant and transportation and communications sectors grew high following a post-fasting and new year school holidays," he said. The financial sector, real estate and service sectors grew 7.0 percent, processing industry sector 6.6 percent, construction 6.4 percent, eletricity, gas and clean water grew 5.2 percent, agricultural sector 2.7 percent and mining and extractive sector 0.3 percent. "The non-oil/gas growth in the third quarter of 2011 reached 6.9 percent (year-on-year), or higher compared to total GDP growth at 6.5 percent," he said. He said Indonesia's GDP based on current price in the third quarter of 2011 reached Rp1,923.6 trillion and so cummulatively reaached Rp5,482.4 trillion. The year-on-year economic growth in the third quarter of 2011 was mostly contributed by goods and service exports reaching 8.3 percent and household spending at 2.7 percent. Fixed gross capital income contributed 1.7 percent, government spending 0.2 percnet and goods and service imports 5.0 percent. In terms of spending compared to the same period of 2010 exports of goods and services reached 18.5 percent, gross capital income 7.1 percent. Spending for household consumption reached 4.8 percent and while government spending reached 2.5 percent. "Imports also grew by 14.2 percent compared to the same period last year," Slamet said. He said in terms of growth areas the Indonesian economy in the third quarter was still dominated by Java contributing 57.7 percent of the total growth, followed by Sumatra 23.6 percent, Kalimantan 9.5 percent, Sulawesi 4.6 percent and other islands 4.6 percent. (*)
Indonesia's Economy Grows 6,5 Pct in Q3: BPS
Senin, 7 November 2011 15:21 WIB