Timika, Papua (Antara) - The Timika district prosecution office has arrested two suspects on charge of corruption in the renovation of a school building in Timika and in sport competition held by the Mimika sport and youth affairs service in 2012. Head of the prosecution office Johnny William Pardede said one of the suspects identified as MMPA is a director of CV Sumber Mulia which was awarded the contract to renovate the secondary high school building in Timika with a budget of Rp410 million. A team of investigators of the prosecution office found a markup in the cost and the work coverage was not in line with the contract. Based on an audit by the regional office of the Finance and Development Supervisory Board (BPKP), the financial watchdog for government development project, the markup caused a loss of more than Rp230 million. The other suspect identified as EH , who is still active as an official of the Mimika regional development planning board was charged with corruption in a Rp700 million sport events in Mimika in 2012. The budget was for three sports competitions -- basket ball, soccer and volleyball competitions, but only two of the sport events -- basketball and volleyball -- were held. Based on an audit by Papua office of BPKP , the loss in state fund in the sport competitions reached Rp90 million. (*)
Timika Prosecution Office Arrests Two Corruption Suspects
Selasa, 24 September 2013 13:10 WIB