Medan, N Sumatra (Antara) - The Corruption Special Court of Medan is investigating an alleged embezzlement of state fund in the procurement of Rp23.9 billion worth of equipment for the state owned power utility company PLN in 2007. The Medan district court spokesman Nelson J Marbun said two suspects including AP, former general manager and FR, chairman of the goods procurement team of the Medan branch of PLN would stand trial on Tuesday. "The council judges handling the case is headed by judge SB Hutagalung," Nelson said here on Monday. On Wednesday, three other suspects in the same case FRL, former production manager, RM, chairman of the auction committee and ER, planning manager would be tried by the court to be presided by judge Jonner Manik. The dossiers of the five suspects were submitted on Monday by the Medan prosecution office to the court, Nelson said. The five suspects have been handed over by the investigators of the attorney general office and were sent to the Tanjung Gusta detention house on Thursday. The prosecutors charged the suspects of procuring goods not up to the specifications as required in the contract causing a loss of Rp23.98 billion to the state. (*)


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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