Gianyar - A white tiger of the Bali Zoo in Singapadu, Gianyar regency, Bali, has given normal birth to three triples on June 11, 2012. "The female Bengala triples are the seventh generation born to a Kartini tiger and Buntung male tiger, making their big family to 15 tigers," Bali Zoo Executive Public Relations head Emma Kristiana Chandra said in Gianyar on Friday. The tiger triple respectively called Punja, Delta, and Gangga have a color from their dominating orange male with black and while spots. He said the Bengala tigers are orange and white. White on the Benggala tigers is not the color of an albino, but of a recessive agent and still with some spots on their bodies. The triple is still growing well with each weighting up to four kilograms and a height of 57 centimeter, 59 centimeter, and 60 centimeters. Only two weeks old, the tiger triples are still under the intensive supervision of a team of veterinarians and kept in a controlling cage. "The mother is still suckling their baby tigers and they are now already actively moving and started roaring," a veterinarian of the zoo Drh. Rangga Wiradarma said. The baby tigers will be released from their mother after they are two to three months old. (*)
White Tiger of Bali Zoo Gives Birth to Triple
Senin, 2 Juli 2012 13:03 WIB