Beijing (Antara) - Indonesia still needs to further promote its cuisine so that it could really become one of Indonesian icons in the world, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu said. "Indonesian cuisine is an important part of the country's different cultures and culinary products in promoting its tourist destinations," the minister who is on a visit to China from November 11 to November 15, 2013 said here on Wednesday. Since, December 14, 2012, the government has decided 30 types of traditional cuisines as Indonesia's culinary icons. "The 30 culinary icons represent most of the country's traditional and culinary dishes which are decided with certain criteria such as raw materials and ingredients which can easily be found in any country," the minister said. However, the 30 culinary icons are not yet well known and Indonesia still has to intensively promote them in the world. Each Indonesian representative in any country is therefore asked to serve foods based on the 30 icons when holding a reception or organizing an Indonesian cultural night. "By this way, the Indonesian culinary products will intensively be promoted. We cannot expect promotion from Indonesian restaurants in foreign countries, let alone in Beijing where Indonesian restaurants could not yet stay open regularly every day," she said. The ministry of tourism and creative economy has cooperated with international chefs under the guidance of Chef Vindex Tengker in publishing a book on Indonesian patent recipes of dishes and tastes of the 30 Indonesian culinary icons. The recipes are expected to present same taste of different ingredients and spices from different regions in Indonesia. "Each icon of the culinary products indicated its regional origin, for example, 'Asinan Jakarta' (Jakarta Pickled), 'Soto Ayam Lamongan' (Lamongan Chiken Soup), 'Tahu Telur Surabaya' (Surabya Egg Tofu), 'Rawon Surabaya' (Surabaya Beef Stew) and so on," Minister Mari said. (*)
Indonesian Cuisine Still Needs Further Promotion : Minister
Rabu, 13 November 2013 10:46 WIB
![Indonesian Cuisine Still Needs Further Promotion : Minister]( uduk_13112013110252.jpg)