Pangkalpinang, Babel - The revival of the Pancasila ideology should begin from school education, according to Irianto Tahor, a legislator from Pangkalpinang city, Bangka-Belitung (Babel) Province. "Pancasila, our national ideology comprises five basic principles: belief in God, a just and civilised humanity, the unity of Indonesia, democracy guided by wisdom, and social justice for all Indonesians," he said here on Wednesday. "The revival of the values of Pancasila should start from school education and early childhood," Irianto added. He stated that education was the most effective way to instil in students the values of Pancasila. "Most Indonesian people have forgotten the values of Pancasila," Irianto said, adding that the five principles must be implemented in everyday life. "Therefore, I think character education must be included in the national curriculum so Pancasila values are firmly embedded in the minds and hearts of students and the younger generation," he went on. Irianto said parents also must instil the values of Pancasila into their children, adding that character education is not solely the responsibility of school teachers. "The application of Pancasila, particularly the first principle, must start at home because the students spend more time at home with their parents than at school," he pointed out. "Parents, especially mothers, are not born as great mothers ¿ but as they gain experience with their kids, they become experts in the field," Irianto stated. (*)
Revival of Pancasila Should Start from School Education: Legislator
Rabu, 3 Oktober 2012 15:27 WIB