Jakarta - The Indonesian currency rupiah weakened on Tuesday as the euphoria of quantitative easing receding fast, analysts said. The currency traded at 9,483 to the US dollar in inter-bank transaction on Tuesday morning from the level of 9,460 earlier. "The euphoria of the third QE has ended. The global market began to be hit by worries over the condition in the European Union sending negative sentiment to the Asian markets," Samuel Sekuritas analyst Lana Soelistianingsih said. In addition, there is no sentiment strong enough to shore up the currency in the country, Lana said here on Tuesday. However, inflows of foreign funds to the country helped soften the pressure on the currency rupiah. Monex Investindo Futures analyst Ariston Tjendra said the US dollar still had opportunity to recover in short term after the plunge in the wake of the Q3 monetary policy of the Fed. "Rupiah still tends to rise higher. The momentum is not yet over, but some of the market players took profit," he said. (*)
Rupiah Weakens Losing 23 Points
Selasa, 18 September 2012 14:00 WIB