Bojonegoro, East Java (Antara) - Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said the government hoped the Cepu Block could immediately produce up to 165,000 barrels per day to boost national energy security. "I think it is not only the government, but all parties are expecting the Cepu Block's peak production to boost national energy security as its oil reserve stands at 0.5 billion barrels," he said here on Tuesday. The Cepu Block in Bojonegoro, East Java, is currently producing 26,000 barrels of oil per day, while its production will reach its peak of 165,000 barrels a day in 2015. "According to information that I had received, the peak production can be reached by next year," he said. So, it will increase national production currently at 814,000 barrels a day, he added. "What is clear is that the government hopes the Cepu Block could immediately start its peak production, despite all the challenges," he stated. That is why, he said, he visited the location to help solve problems still hindering the implementation of the Cepu Block project. "I appreciate the work on the Cepu Block, which has been carried out day and night. All the contractors are working hard to complete the project on time," he said. Mobil Cepu Ltd.'s vice president for public and government affairs Erwin Maryoto, meanwhile, said 8,000 workers are currently working in the Cepu Block's Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) I oil project. He said the work from EPC I to V in Bojonegoro as well as Tuban was more than 80 percent finished. "The uncompleted work is spread evenly, meaning that the all the work is not yet finished," he added. Hatta visited the EPC project in Ngasem district with the Bojonegoro district's head Suyono. (*) Reporting by Slamet Agus Sudarmojo
Government Hopes Cepu Clock will Increase Production
Rabu, 12 Maret 2014 0:09 WIB