Sleman, Yogyakarta (Antara) - The police have arrested four people with billions of rupiahs in fake money in Sleman, Yogyakarta . "The suspects offered loans in fake money with interest rate below bank lending rate," Sleman chief detective Adj. Comr. Heru Muslimin, said here on Monday. Hendra Saputra (35) of Banten, Sukir (30) of Batang, Central Java, Solikhin (28) of Temanggung, and Sriwati (42) of Wonosobo were arrested on Sunday in the Kaliurang tourist resort. "The suspects had their supply of fake money from Solo, Central Java," Heru said. Police arrested the four after receiving a report from Muhammad Naib, of Samarinda, East Kalimantan , one of the people cheated with fake money. Muhammad earlier received a telephone call from one of the suspects offering a big loan, Heru said. Heru and his wife Widya came on Tuesday to Yogyakarta where they met with the four suspects . The husband and wife were then asked to meet them at the Plagas Asri Ngaglik Park in Sleman where the suspects shown them Rp30 billion in fake money. Muhammad was offered a low interest loan of Rp2 billion but they have to pay the interest of Rp100 million in advance. Muhammad was interested in the offer and paid the interest of Rp100 million. After the four left that place, Muhammad was aware that he had been given counterfeited money and report to police. The four were believed looking for other victims when police came to arrested them in the city. Police also held an Toyota Innova car used by the four and confiscated a big amount of in fake money. (*)
Four People Arrested with Billions of Rupiahs in Fake Money
Senin, 15 Juli 2013 18:39 WIB