Jakarta (Antara) - Salim Said, a professor of University of Defense, stated here on Saturday that no politician would be willing to resign from strategic posts like a general chairman. "There are two professions that recognize no retirement namely professions of a politician and an actor. A politician will only be driven out because he is no longer popular. In view of that never to hope that a politician will be ready to resign willingly," he said at a discussion titled "PAN Facing the Future," He said the wish of the current general chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN), Hatta Rajasa, to retain his post was a normal thing in the country's politics as political parties in the country are not yet able to carry out the task of preparing new cadres. He said cadre making process did not work in political parties and therefore political development for reform also did not work well. On the occasion a political observer from Populi Center, Nico Harjanto, said it would be difficult for a state leader to emerge because the system of cadre making in political parties was very poor. One of the factors hindering the process is a financial transaction that is often needed by a cadre for him to be able to get a strategic position in a political party, he said. PAN, he said, should have been able to carry regeneration in view of the reform spirit it has carried since its establishment. "After passing four general elections PAN should have been able to create new cadres," he said. The PAN is scheduled to hold a congress in Bali from February 28 to March 2, to among others elect its new chief. Two strong candidates to compete for the post are incumbent and formed chief economic minister Hatta Rajasa and Zulkifli Hassan, currently chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly. (*) reporting by dyah dwi astuti


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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