Jakarta (Antara) - Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto praised the current government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) as having built a foundation for the future development of the nation. "I have been outside the government so far and have often strongly criticized him, but I have also admitted that the SBY government's foundation is good," he said on the sideline of the declaration of his presidential candidacy with Hatta Rajasa as his running mate here on Monday. He said SBY had many successes and served the state. He promised he will continue his successes, if he was elected as president. "We are aware that the gap is still wide, but we must also admit that a lot has also been accomplished by the present and previous governments," he added. Prabowo admitted that he was not part of the present government's coalition, but he would be part of a coalition that will soon govern the country. He said he had taken the opportunity to run for president so that he will be able to develop the nation and democracy in the country along with Hatta Rajasa. Prabowo, who is from the Great Indonesia Movement Party, and Hatta Rajasa, from the National Mandate Party (PAN), are supported by six parties: Gerindra, PAN, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the United Development Party (PPP), the Golkar Party and the Moon and Star Party (PBB). (*) Reporting by Rangga Pandu Asmara Jingga


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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