Jakarta (Antara) - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) proposed an overseas travel ban on five people to facilitate investigation into the alleged corruption case related to the procurement of electronic identification cards (e-KTP) at the home affairs ministry. "The KPK filed a request with the directorate general of immigration at the law and human rights ministry to impose an overseas travel ban on the five people. The ban will take effect for six months starting April 24, 2014," KPK spokesman Johan Budi said at the KPK building here on Friday. The five people are former president director of the state printing company Percetakan Negara RI (PNRI) Isnu Edhi Wijaya, home affairs ministry employees Sugiharto and Irman, Quadra Solution director Anang Sugiana S, and private employee Andi Agustinus. On Tuesday, the KPK named the director of demographic administration information management, identified by the initial as S, as a suspect in the case. "The ceiling of budget allocations for the project is Rp6 trillion and the amount of state losses is still being calculated," Johan said. On Friday, the KPK started interrogating witnesses in the alleged corruption case. (*) Reporting by Imam Santoso


Editor : Tunggul Susilo

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